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Home of Youth Soccer for Pinetop-Lakeside-Whiteriver

6U Curriculum Week 5

6U Week 5

Warm Up – 10 minutes
Partner Passing
Each player needs a partner with one ball for the two players. Position players approximately 5 yards apart with 2 cones in the middle. Start with cones wide apart. Have players pass back and forth for one minute with parents keeping track of successful passes. Repeat a second time , but move cones closer together and try to beat previous score. If time, repeat a third time.

Coaching Points:
Ball should stay on the ground
ock ankle
heel down, toe up
use inside of foot to pass to get best control of the ball
plant foot (non kicking foot) even with the ball and pointing in the direction of the pass

Activity – 10 minutes
Steal the Treasure
Set up the field with 4 home bases, one in each corner. Divide into 4 equal teams, assigning a home base to each team. Have 2 players from each team in their home base,and put all of the balls in the middle of the field. The other players from each team get a ball (“treasure”) from the middle of the field and pass it to a teammate in their home base. Treasure must be passed into home base and not dribbled. Play until all balls are passed into a home base. The team with the most balls in their home base wins. Rotate players that are in home base and players in the field. Have parents line the field trying to keep balls in play,

Coaching Points:
Ball should stay on the ground
lock ankle
heel down, toe up
use inside of foot to pass to get best control of the ball
plant foot (non kicking foot) even with the ball and pointing in the direction of the pass

Scrimmage – 20 minutes
Split players evenly into teams with 3-4 players each and play a game on each field. Have parents surround the field to help keep the ball in play. Give the players a 1 minute water break each 5 minutes.

Download 6U Training Session - Week 5

6U Technical Focus

  • Dribbling
  • Passing / Receiving
  •  Shooting (Instep Kick)

Attacking --> SCORE !
Defending --> Prevent Scoring

Principles of Play (used to achieve Objectives)


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Lakeside, Arizona 85929

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